In early 2017 Shropshire Council awarded McPhillips five highway improvement schemes to key junctions in Shrewsbury.  The individual work packages consisted of:

Reabrook Roundabout

Roundabout approaches were widened to increase capacity and refuge islands were enlarged to improve pedestrian facilities.  Resurfacing of carriageway and footways.  Embankment widening and alterations to vehicle restraint system.

Longden Coleham/Coleham Head

Introduction of a mini-roundabout to replace an existing priority junction.  New raised zebra crossing to provide priority for pedestrians.  Resurfacing of carriageway and footways.

Meole Brace Roundabout

Upgrading and reconfiguration of existing traffic signals including provision of controlled pedestrian and cycling facilities.  New traffic link was created between Roman Road and the A5112 towards the A5.  Shared-use pathway also created across the roundabout.  Drainage modifications and new attenuation pond.

English Bridge/Abbey Foregate Gyratory

Improvements to the English Bridge and the English Bridge Gyratory junction to tie into the public realm, improve traffic management and provide an enhanced gateway into Shrewsbury.  Upgrade of existing traffic signals and carriageway and footway resurfacing.

Sutton Park Roundabout

Resurfacing within existing kerblines and minor adjustments of pedestrian crossing facilities.

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